
What is Plenyhage?

Plenhyage XL Strong is an advanced Italian-manufactured injectable gel containing polymerised, polynucleotide-based compounds. This innovative product is designed to repair and rejuvenate tissue by stimulating fibroblasts, promoting cell growth, enhancing skin elasticity, boosting collagen production, and hydrating the skin. At its core, Plenhyage XL represents a groundbreaking approach to skincare maintenance, leveraging regenerative medicine principles to revitalize and restore healthy skin.

Benefits of Plenyhage:

The benefits of Plenhyage XL extend beyond typical anti-ageing treatments. It effectively prevents and treats signs of ageing such as age spots, wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, uneven skin tone, and dullness. Additionally, Plenhyage XL is highly effective for treating acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and rosacea. Its formulation with 2.5% high molecular weight polynucleotides enhances tissue repair, revitalisation, and regeneration. Furthermore, the product’s anti-free radical properties combat oxidative stress caused by UV rays and other environmental factors, creating an optimal environment for fibroblast growth and tissue elasticity restoration.

Why Multiple Sessions are Recommended:

To achieve optimal results with Plenhyage XL, multiple treatment sessions are recommended. Each session promotes biorevitalisation of key areas including the face, neck, décolleté, upper arms, and areas affected by alopecia, acne scars, stretch marks, or general tissue damage. The treatment’s regenerative effects require a series of sessions to enhance cell turnover, improve skin elasticity, and deeply hydrate damaged or photoaged skin. By undergoing a course of treatments, patients can experience cumulative benefits, including enhanced collagen production, skin firmness, and overall skin health, leading to sustained and visible rejuvenation. Multiple sessions also allow for targeted treatment of specific skin concerns, ensuring comprehensive and long-lasting results tailored to individual needs.

Under Eye

Plenyhage for Under Eye
£ 175 1 Session
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Body Part

Body parts ( Belly, arms , thighs )
£350 £ 300 1 Session
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Full Face

Full face + Under Eye
Neck complimentary
£350 £ 300 1 Session
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Try With Exilis!

If you’re dealing with loose skin or seeking enhanced skin tightening, consider combining your treatment with Exilis alongside Plenhyage. Exilis is a specialized skin tightening procedure that complements the benefits of Plenhyage, working together to achieve more noticeable and faster skin tightening results.

When used in combination, Plenhyage stimulates collagen production and improves skin elasticity, while Exilis targets deeper layers of tissue with radiofrequency energy to tighten and firm the skin.

This dual approach accelerates the skin tightening process, leading to quicker and more significant improvements in skin texture and firmness.

Under Eye & Exilis

£350 £ 275
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Buy More, Pay Less!

Body Part & exilis

£600 £ 450 1 Session
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Most Popular
What is Plenhyage used for?

Plenhyage is used for skin rejuvenation and revitalization. It helps in treating signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and uneven skin tone. Additionally, it is effective for conditions such as acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and rosacea.

Plenhyage works by stimulating fibroblasts, which are cells responsible for producing collagen and elastin in the skin. This stimulation promotes tissue repair, improves skin elasticity, and enhances overall skin hydration and texture.

The number of Plenhyage sessions needed varies depending on individual skin concerns and desired results. Generally, a series of multiple sessions spaced apart (e.g., 3-4 sessions at intervals of 3-4 weeks) is recommended for optimal outcomes.

Plenhyage is considered safe when administered by trained professionals in a medical setting. It is important to consult with a qualified practitioner to assess suitability and discuss any potential side effects or risks.

The duration of Plenhyage’s effects can vary from person to person. Generally, results are noticeable after a series of sessions and may last several months. To maintain results, periodic touch-up treatments are often recommended.